Prof. Dr. Ricardo Uvinha

Ricardo Ricci Uvinha is Full Professor and Dean of the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities at University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil. USP is the top university in Latin America and the Caribbean, currently ranked 85th in the world according to most international rankings. Coordinator of the World Leisure Center of Excellence WLCE/USP/Brazil, he is a researcher from the Global South who has dedicated his academic life to the study of leisure and its application in various socio-cultural contexts and has served as a member of the executive board of national and international thematic scientific associations. As the leader of the Interdisciplinary Group of Leisure Studies at the USP since 2008, and Senior Fellow & Founding Member at the World Leisure Academy since 2010, he has been actively involved in academic production and research leadership. Among the awards received, the standout is the receipt of the George Torkildsen Literary Award 2023.
Lattes CV:
WL Committees involvement:
- WL Day Committee
- LATAM Working Group
- WL Academy Interim President