Prof. Dr. James Murphy

Dr. Murphy’s scholarly interests included concepts of leisure, delivery of services, holistic management perspectives, and services for the economically and culturally disadvantaged. Author or co-author of seven books, six chapters in books, and many articles on these themes, he has also given many presentations and workshops. Dr. Murphy has been Associate Editor, Journal of Leisure Research; Editorial Advisor, Leisure Today; and Editor and Co-Editor, Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education. Dr. Murphy served on the SPRE Board for two terms and is a Past-President of that society, has been a Director of the California Parks and Recreation Society, and Chair or member of committees of several professional organizations. He has received eight awards for his contributions to teaching or to the literature in the recreation field, including being the recipient of NRPA’s National Literary Award. A scholarship in his name was established at San Jose State University.