Prof. Dr. Chris Auld

Chris Auld is Professor and Dean (International) with the Griffith Business School. He holds a PhD (Penn State), MsC (Recreation Administration) (UNC-Chapel Hill), Graduate Diploma (Recreation Planning) (Canberra CAE) and a Bachelor of Human Movement Studies (Queensland). Chris took up his current appointment in 2005 following three years as Associate Professor, Sport and Recreation Management with the Institute of Human Performance at the University of Hong Kong. Prior to this he spent 15 years with Griffith University, including two years as Head of the School of Leisure Studies, following three years in a policy and program development role with the Federal Department of Sport, Recreation and Tourism. Chris is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Annals of Leisure Research and has published extensively on sport management, especially relating to volunteers. He has undertaken research projects funded by a wide range of government and private sector organisations including: the Australian Research Council, Australian Sports Commission, Hong Kong Sports Development Board, Queensland Academy of Sport, NSW Sport and Recreation, Sport and Recreation Queensland, The Australian Football League, Queensland Department of Communities, and Brisbane City Council. He has delivered presentations in countries such as New Zealand, USA, Malaysia, Spain, Ukraine, India, Italy, Hong Kong, Korea, China, Switzerland, Vietnam, Colombia and Brazil. Chris’s present research interests include the management of sport volunteers, board performance and governance in third sector organisations, and the impacts of major sports events.