Vol. 11, ISSUE 1
Deadline: April 15, 2022
The International Leisure Review invites papers on all aspects of leisure, recreation, and related issues from authors throughout the world. The Journal aims to publish studies of theoretical, applied and professional interest. Contributions may be in the form of original articles reporting the author’s research, reviews of a topic or issue, or case studies. Proposals for sets of papers addressing a common theme or issue are also encouraged. Instructions for presentation are provided below. Manuscripts and other proposals, and books for review should be sent to the Guest Editors, Dr. Marie Young at the address below.
Material will be considered for publication on the understanding that such material is original and unpublished work, not currently under review by any other journal or publisher, or already accepted for publication elsewhere. The author warrants that the material submitted does not infringe copyright of any other work. The author shall be responsible for all statements made in the material submitted.
Authors must submit by email, word processed in double-line spacing, justified and in Times 12 font, preferably in Microsoft Word, conforming to the general style described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., 2001). Manuscripts should normally be of 4000-7000 words.
Articles should include the following components, each to begin on a new page, in this sequence: title page; abstract and key words; text; acknowledgments; references; tables – each table, complete with title and footnotes, on a separate page; legend for illustrations. The page number should appear in the upper right-hand corner of each page, following the title page.
The title page should contain the title, which should be brief but informative; name(s) of author(s): first name, middle name or initial, and last name, with the highest academic degree(s) and principal position, title, and/or affiliation; name of department(s) and/or institution(s), if any, to which the work should be attributed; name, postal and email address of author responsible for correspondence about the material; the source(s) of support in the form of grants or equipment.
Abstract and keywords: The second page should carry an abstract of not more than 200 words indicating the purpose of the study or investigation, the basic procedures used, the main findings and the principal conclusions, emphasizing new and important aspects. Below the abstract authors should state 3 to 10 keywords or short phases that will assist indexers in cross-indexing the article.
The text should usually be divided into sections with into sections with headings (e.g., Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion).
References: note especially the proper style (APA) for references, both in the text and references lists.
Tables should be numbered consecutively, each given a brief title, and presented in the APA style. Each table should be cited in the text in consecutive order. Tables should be used only when necessary to clarify important points in the text.
Figures and illustrations should be provided as black and white prints or drawn in solid black ink on good quality white paper. Indicate approximate location in the text.
Review of manuscripts: The anonymous review process will be assisted if authors submit initial copies of their manuscripts with all author-identified passages and references removed. Please inform the editor-in-chief if such material has been edited-out of the copy submitted.
Upon acceptance of the article for publication, authors should submit by email the final copy of the work with any revisions.
Contact address:
Dr. Marie Young
University of the Western Cape, South Africa
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