Dr. Miklos Banhidi

Dr. Banhidi is currently working as professor and coordinator for Recreation and Health Promotion program at the Szechenyi University in Gyor/Hungary. His teaching areas are the Theory and Practice of Recreology, Geography of Sport, Tourism and Recreation, Project Development. His research interest is Community development to improve the quality of life of the citizens and visitors. In his work he is focusing on topics, how to design and manage healthy environment and organize powerful activities to achieve positive benefits. He has written numerous books and articles on Recreation, Geography of Sport, Health and Tourism. He used to work as visiting professor at the Karl Franzens University in Graz, Austria, at the University of Northern Iowa in the US, Zhejiang University China and gave numerous lectures at several foreign partner universities. He initiated and managed with his partners several student and youth exchange projects supported by European Union. He used to serve as the vice president of the United Games International organizing festivals and workshops on peace and understanding around the world. Since 2009 he is an elected member in the board of the World Leisure Organization. He is committed to help to grow the organization and tries to involve more young people into the organization.
WL Committees involvement
- Membership
- Youth Ambassadors