Taiwan, on the Tropic of Cancer – 23.5 degrees North latitude, is an island rich in both resources and natural habitats. It is known as the “Emerald on the Tropic of Cancer” for its beautiful landscape, which makes it an important tourism destination in the region and worldwide. In this context, and on the occasion of Summer Solstice 235, several activities were organized by Chinese Taipei World Leisure Chapter to promote innovation in tourism.
Firstly, the Conference “2017 Taiwan Summer Solstice 235” was an opportunity to evaluate Taiwan’s tourism development through academic studies and to share our research experiences on Taiwan tourism. Secondly, “2017 Taiwan Summer Solstice 235 Original Design and Marketing Competition” invited students interested in the tourism industry to present their ideas. The participants submitted their original creative event project with a relevant concept of tourist sight-seeing in Taiwan. With the creativity of young students, the “Taiwan Summer Solstice 235” aims to innovate in the field of tourism services and activities, assembling all design talents with independent thinking and problem-solving ability in order to provide the Ministry of Transportation and Communications Tourism Bureau with innovative tourism projects.
Chinese Taipei is a WL Chapter. With a minimum of 10 members, WL Chapters offer a unique affiliation opportunity to individuals at the community level. They also create an opportunity to embrace WLO’s broader vision, priorities and themes.
Photo credit: Conference “2017 Taiwan Summer Solstice 235” at World Leisure Chinese Taipei’s Facebook page.